What follows is an overview of the core enhancements made during the course of the development of the 4th release of the Therefore BPMS application, which should give you an idea of the type of value that we are continually adding to the Therefore BPMS.
Pending Notification notice
- Introduce an option to display pending Notifications on the Classify / Allocate screen
- Introduce an option to display pending Notifications on the close Acknowledge screen
- Add the above options to the Review and Utility Screen Options screen
- Revise Review and Utility Screen Options Instruction text
- Resolve Short Description duplicate check error
- Resolve Document Number duplicate check error
- Move Flag and Change Log buttons to the bottom of button listing
- Add a Security Group option to User Groups screen
- Revise User Groups instructions given the above change
- Add Notification element to the Change Log
- Revise Change Log instructions to dynamically address Notifications element
- Public failure advice cleared on Sign in reattempt
- Public failure advice cleared on Change password reattempt
- Public failure advice cleared on Forgotten password reattempt
- Space management on all data capture fields, i.e. trim and extra / all spaces, both create and update
- Introduce variable space management on Short Description field (i.e. extra and all options)
- Introduce variable space management on Short Text field (i.e. extra and all options)
- Restyle data input fields for authenticated pages
- Restyle data input fields for public pages
- Change the Rich Text Editor such that it is a fixed height
- Implement new Subordinate Report Personalisation Variables
- Revise Manage Reporting instruction text
- Implement a set of Created by Notification variables
- Correct Notifications sent on Reclassification error
- Revise Data Layer so that Notification templates are held in memory
- Fix “alpha in weighting field” button disappearing error
- Fix “alpha in Percentage of Resolution Target field” button disappearing error
- Revise Priority / Thread Type Allocation instructions
- Implement a Document / Thread Type allocation screen
- Insert new screen into the Options menu structure
- Make various revisions with respect to “Classification & Thread Type Setup” menu items
- Implement various ThreadBuilder configurative options to define Client table updating rules
- Implement Client table record create on task closure
- Implement Client table record update on task closure
- Add disable dormant Client records script to the System Admin Scripts screen
- Correct contents of task closure email’s Review PDF attachment
- Correct error whereby Reclassification email sometimes lists multiple reclassifications
- Add an Option selected option to the Communication Types screen’s Task / Query Detail Object Options section.
- Correct various User Groups select to edit errors
- Correct various Security Groups select to edit errors
- Revise Smart Search refresh to make it more intuitive
- Revise stage Smart Search keyword to accommodate open / closed tasks logic
- Resolve Smart Search Clear Search facility error
- Strip out multiple spaces when doing a Smart Search
- Implement a Touch keyword
- Implement a Department keyword
- Implement a Major keyword
- Implement a Minor keyword
- Revise Smart Search Welcome text / styling
- Correct Enter Search Text heading text case
- Revise styling of search box
- Discontinue Fax functionality
- Discontinue advanced Reassign functionality
- Revise text on Error encountered screen
- Error encountered screen to automatically redirect to public landing page
- Implement various database version update scripts
- Revise classification screen headings
- Increment web / ThreadBuilder / service version number to 4
- Correct Enter Search Text heading text case
- Revise styling of search box
- Revise styling of search box
- Revise styling of Show Disabled dropdown
- Add Thread Type ID to various Thread Type listings
- Add Thread Type ID to various Thread Type select dropdowns
- Various aesthetic refinements to the ThreadBuilder
- Various miscellaneous web instructions refinements
- Various resource file tidy ups